Porcelain fillings

Serving Cherry Creek and Denver, Colorado

We offer porcelain fillings in Denver from Ascent Dental Group as an alternative to traditional metal fillings. These tooth-colored fillings are aesthetically pleasing, provide a stronger bond to your natural tooth structure, and can last up to 15 years.

With porcelain fillings, you no longer have to worry about dark spots or discoloration in your smile. Instead, you’ll have a seamless, white smile that will boost your confidence and make you proud whenever you show off your pearly whites.

Schedule an appointment today and upgrade to porcelain fillings for a healthier, brighter smile! We look forward to seeing you and to helping you bring out the best in a beautiful, healthy smile!

porcelain fillings denver

What Are Porcelain Fillings?

Porcelain fillings are an alternative to metal amalgam or dental bonding for fillings. We can use fillings to restore the damage done to your teeth by a combination of wear and bacterial attacks. Porcelain fillings are custom-crafted restorations that fill your cavities. We call them inlays when they fit inside the raised parts at the edges of the crown (the “cusps”). When they go up and over the cusps, they are called onlays.

In the porcelain filling process, we prepare your tooth—we remove the old filling or damaged enamel. Next, we take a digital impression of your teeth. This doesn’t involve plasters; it uses powder and a digital imaging camera. Then, Dr. Johnston will design the inlay to fit precisely with your other teeth.


How Much Do They Cost?

Porcelain veneers can be a game-changer for your smile. Prices for porcelain veneers can vary widely based on factors like the complexity of your case. That’s why it’s crucial to schedule a consultation with Dr. Johnston for an accurate estimate tailored to your needs. During this consultation, you’ll learn about the costs involved, the procedure itself, and how veneers can transform your smile. Don’t leave your dream smile to guesswork—book a consultation today and take the first step toward a more confident you.


Benefits of Porcelain Fillings

Porcelain fillings are among the best dental restorations available for your tooth damage. Their advantages include:

  • Porcelain fillings are the best cosmetic match for your natural dental enamel
  • Porcelain fillings are as strong as your natural dental enamel
  • We can craft porcelain fillings to strengthen a tooth damaged by decay
  • In many cases, we can craft porcelain fillings while you wait using our CEREC system

You will have a long-lasting and beautiful restoration.


Disadvantages of Porcelain Fillings

Although porcelain fillings are a great option in most cases, they are not always the best solution. Their main limitation is that they cannot always be used for every cavity, including small cavities on the side of the tooth or near the gumline. For these cavities, we may recommend dental bonding.

On the other hand, if your tooth is too damaged, a dental crown may be recommended instead to protect and strengthen it.


Porcelain Fillings in Denver

We serve Cherry Creek and Denver, Colorado. If you have cavities that need treatment, porcelain fillings, also called inlays and onlays, offer many advantages. Not only are they more attractive than your old amalgam fillings, but they are also stronger than dental bonding. They are the only filling type that can potentially strengthen your teeth.

Using our CEREC system, we can custom-craft porcelain fillings while you wait, allowing you to get attractive, strong dental restorations in just one visit.

To explore our dental filling options, please contact Ascent Dental Group to schedule a consultation at our Cherry Creek office. Dr. Jeff Johnston and his team would be happy to serve you! We are here for your dental needs, and our services include cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry in Denver, CO.