Dental Issues Among Children

Everyone knows that childhood is full of bruised knees and scraped elbows, and kids’ dental issues are all too common as well. Most parents are not shocked to learn that of all the dental problems in children, cavities are the most common; in fact, about 20% of children between the ages of 5 and 11 […]

Understanding Dental Isolation

Hello, Dr. Jeff Johnston here coming to you from Denver, Colorado. I wanted to talk to you about the industry progresses we’ve seen when it comes to the age of bonding. Meaning, most everything we do is held by a chemical bond. And the importance of that is that now isolation is becoming very important. […]

The Importance of Saliva

Hello, Dr. Jeff Johnston here! I would like to talk to you about saliva, commonly known as spit. This is a very important part of the oral cavity. Your spit or saliva is composed of buffering systems, enzymes, and many good things to help you start digesting and to help you clean your teeth. It’s […]

Dental Metal Fillings & What You Need to Know

Metal fillings have been around for over 50 years, and many patients have fillings in their mouths that are years old. Most metal fillings can hold up over the years, but some do not. Metal fillings are made of metal shavings or sawdust particles titrated or mixed with a piece of mercury to form the […]

My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt

Do You Have to go to The Dentist if Your Tooth Doesn’t Hurt? Many patients think because they do not have pain associated with a tooth, this means the tooth does not need treatment. In most cases, if you wait it will be too late, and the infection or cavity will get worse. Teeth have […]

Philosophies of Dentistry

Holistic  / Biological / Biomiminic / TMJ / Cosmetic  / Implant / Sleep Dentistry These are all Philosophies of Dentistry. It needs to be understood that these are not recognized Licensed Specialties of Dentistry by State Boards or Dental Schools.  When you call them specialties, it’s misleading.  When Dentist’s say they specialize in something, they […]

7 Worst Beverages for Your Teeth

The best drink for your teeth is water. Neutral pH, hydrating, and nonstaining. But we know you’re tempted to drink something else from time to time. But if you’re going to drink, do it in a way that’s safe for your teeth. Here’s a list of drinks to avoid or limit if you want to […]

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Yes, teeth whitening is very safe, when performed in a controlled manner. For decades, dentists have studied the effects of teeth whitening on teeth, and we have come to the conclusion that teeth whitening is safe for teeth and gums. How Teeth Whitening Affects Your Teeth Teeth whitening typically uses carbamide peroxide, which breaks down […]

Chipped Tooth or Broken Tooth

There are many potential causes for a chipped or broken tooth, such as a fall, a fight, or even something unexpected in your food. Of course, a chipped tooth is a cosmetic problem. It will make you self-conscious about your smile. But a chipped or broken tooth can also cause practical problems as well. The […]

Dental Education

Around 8yrs ago, I graduated from dental school. I was on top of the world, my brain was chalked full of dentistry, and I was ready to become a dentist.  Upon the first month of practicing dentisty, I saw patients and cases I have never seen before and that  I didn’t know how to treat or even where […]

Reasons to Have Your Old Metal Fillings Replaced

Reasons To Have Your Old Amalgam Fillings Replaced With Natural-Looking Composite Fillings If your mouth is still full of those old, metallic fillings that were inserted into your teeth years ago, then you may want to consider making the switch to more natural-looking composite fillings. It’s been shown in studies the average life of a […]

Taste of My Own Medicine

Today, I went to the dentist to update my fillings. I need to admit, I had a horrible love with candy during my teen years, which led to having many fillings completed in my adolescent years. (Being in the dental office so much interested me in becoming one – so its not all bad!) What […]

Top 11 Reasons Cerec is Better..

(For those of you who don’t know what a Cerec Machine is….please see our webpage over here here) This past weekend, I attended the Cerec 3rd Annual Symposium, in Scottsdale, AZ at the Scottsdale Center for Dentistry, a premier leader in Cerec Education. Many Topics were covered over the weekend and we even met the […]

85% don't make it!

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth to erupt in your mouth and are the teeth least needed for good oral health. Most people have four wisdom teeth that usually erupt through the gums in their late teens or early twenties. Sometimes wisdom teeth remain trapped in the jawbone under the gums because […]